Seattle Children’s DONATION DRIVE

Seattle Children’s DONATION DRIVE

Tinte Cellars supports the Seattle Children’s Behavioral Health Crisis Care Clinic by donating a portion of all our wine sales, all year long. This quarter we are expanding our support by collecting toys and items for patients who are hospitalized at Seattle Children’s Hospital.

Please join us and support our community members in need! Purchase items off the Seattle Children’s Wish List and either have the items shipped directly to the hospital, or bring them in to Tinte Cellars before July 1.

Cash donations are also accepted in our tasting rooms, to support the purchase of items from the Wish List.

Diaper & Baby Wipes Collection Drive

Diaper & Baby Wipes Collection Drive

Through the generosity of Tinte Cellars’ wine club members and guests, the Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic has distributed diapers and baby wipes to nearly 100 families over the past two years!

Drop Off Donations from February 1 – April 30

Volunteer with Tinte Cellars

Volunteer with Tinte Cellars

We are organizing an early Earth Day work party on April 12th from 10 am – 12 pm at Wallace Swamp Creek Park and we need your help! We will be working on various projects such as clipping Himalayan blackberry canes, digging blackberry root balls, or digging other non-native invasive plants. No matter your skill level or experience, there’s a task for everyone. This is a great opportunity to meet our team and work together towards a common goal.

What to bring? A water bottle may be your favorite work gloves. Come dressed in clothes and footwear for the weather, including possible wet and muddy conditions. Layers are good! It has been incredibly muddy lately, so the right footgear is REALLY helpful. We recommend either rain/work boots or hiking shoes/boots that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Interested in joining? Contact Karen at